Urgent Actions Needed to Oppose Proposed BLM Land Use Changes

The Bureau of Land Management has issued a Draft Resource Management Plan which will further restrict large areas in Washington County. The public only has until Oct 15, 2015 to comment on the proposed excessive public land regulations.

Washington County has developed a website that will assist you to send your comments directly to the BLM St George Field Office. Below is a sample of the email which will be sent on your behalf, should you choose to voice your opinion on https://secure.washco.utah.gov/signup/blm/ . Please look for the option to send the quick comment or the extended version.

Below is the example of the extended version, which will also help explain the vast proposed changes to Washington County that will impact many in this county. Please take a minute to send your comments via the website. It is fast and easy to use. Please join us in opposing these proposed land regulations so we may all continue to enjoy hunting, hiking, OHV use and many, many more activities which will become prohibited in these proposed areas. To read more about the proposal, visit the BLM NCA Resource Managment website.
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